Sunday, January 31, 2010

Milking Cock Mobile 6 Week Puppy Cock-Eyed W/Blue Tint Near Inner Eye - Can She See?

6 Week Puppy Cock-Eyed w/Blue tint near inner eye - Can she see? - milking cock mobile

Boston Terrier I have a baby - the baby is that we have received from our female Boston Terrier. She was born with congenital malformations (cleft palate) and were bottle fed, to give since birth and his plan of a loving home for life. Although most breeders recommend puppy to crack, it is truly remarkable, and the milk can w / a bottle to suck. We wanted him a chance in life and is very wealthy.

My question has to do with the eyes. Both eyes on the face (in front of his crossed eyes). If you are looking to the left or right, I am aware of its orbit, in a blue dye or blue ring. You go to the vet for his plans 7 weeks and next week I'll ask, but I was asked if someone knows a lot about the problem of the eye that I just described. In particular, why should bluish color to the bags? The willingness of Cock-eye correction to nature? Is there any problems? She is very gentle, and take as it is - but just want to know how to help.

Thank you all!

1 comment:

Maguu said...

So probably not a normal visual acuity in the eye position, but can not be blind. Most do not resolve themselves. He used to cause health problems, but can easily lead to panic in the fast-moving objects.

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